Wednesday 22 May 2013



1.      Introduction
Perception about testing writing is usually not actualized in what the students’ achievement and what appropriateness between the students’ testing writing and the student has learned in teaching process. Brown (2004: 218), states that it follows logically that the assessment of writing is no simple task. As you consider assessing students’ writing ability, as usual you need to be clear about your objective or criterion. What is it you want to test: handwriting ability? Correct spelling? Writing sentences that are grammatically correct? Paragraph construction? Logical development of a main idea? All of these, and more, are possible objectives. And each objective can be assessed through a variety of tasks.

There are many kinds of writing test. Madson states (1983: 101), “the reason for this is fairly simple: a wide variety of writing tests is needed to tests the many kinds of writing tasks that we engage in”. Elementary School is a formal education with any skills to be a ready worker after graduate. In this case, we must be a wise to create an appropriate tests for the students of Elementary School.

2.      Problems and Objectives which will be solved by the picture-cued task
The problems that will be discussed are:
1.      to what extent is the students’ vocabulary achievement in writing before being taught by using pictures?
2.      to what extent is the students’ vocabulary achievement in writing after being taught by using pictures?
3.      is there any significant difference of the students’ achievement between ones taught by using pictures and those are taught without using pictures?
The objectives are:
1.      to find out the extent of the students’ vocabulary achievement in writing before being taught by using poster pictures.
2.      to find out the extent of the students’ vocabulary achievement in writing after being taught by using poster pictures.
3.      to prove whether there is any significant difference of the students’ vocabulary achievement in writing between ones taught by using poster pictures and those who are taught without using poster pictures.

3.      General concept of Basic Writing
Before conducting the test design of writing, we must know the genres of written language. Scrutinized the different genres of written language is to make that context and purpose are clear. According to Brown, there is an Imitative (to produce written language, the learners must attain skills in the fundamental, basic tasks of writing letters, words, punctuations, and very brief sentences. This category includes the ability to spell correctly and to perceive phoneme-grapheme correspondences in the English spelling systems. It is a level at which learners are trying to master the mechanics of writing.

4.      Instrument of the Test
To reach the goal of the study, the writer had to construct the test which suitable. He had to choose the type of test and arrangement of the test. In this study, the writer used the “pictured-cued tasks” test as instrument to collect data. A variety of picture-cued controlled tasks had been used in English classroom around the world. The main advantage in this technique was in detaching the almost ubiquitous reading and writing connections and covering instead a nonverbal means to stimulate written responses (Brown 2003:226).
            The writer used short sentence answer in poster-cued task. The explanation of this task is a drawing of some simple action is shown, the-test taker (students) write a brief word. The reasons for choosing this task, that is easy to correct and more practical for students.
5.      Subject and Research
5.1 Types of Research (Experimental Research)
In this research, some data are needed to achieve the objectives of the research. The data and information are obtained from experimental research. In this matter, the writer wants to see about the problems. As stated by Arikunto (2006:3) experimental research is an experiment which tries to find whether there is any effect relation or not.
            The writer took Pre Test and Post Test results in order to find any answer of the problem statements. The design of this research was divided in two groups; there were the students taught by Pictures and the students taught using Conventional technique. The design of this research as follow:

In which;
X1= Teaching Using Pictures
X2= Teaching Using Conventional Technique
T2= Post Test
5.2  Population
According to Mardalis (2007:53) population is all individual person that becomes the source of taking sample.Related to this point, the writer chose the fifth year students of SD Negeri 1 Sidomulyo in the academic year 2011/2012 as population of the research. The writer chose the fifth year students of SD Negeri 1 Sidomulyo because of the consideration that English had been taught in that school as local content subject from the first graders up to sixth graders.
5.3  Sample
According to Mardalis  (2007: 55) “Sample is part of population of research object”. The writer decided to take a half of fifth year students of SD Negeri 1 Sidomulyo as the sample. The writer used a class which is divided into two groups, the control and experimental groups which are chosen randomly as sample for conducting this research. In this matter, technique of random sampling was used by mixing the subjects in population. For choosing the sample, the researcher didn’t want to particularize one or some subjects. There were some students in the experimental group who are taught by using pictures and some students in control group who are taught using conventional way.
6.      Instrument Analysis
The purpose of Instrument Analysis was to know validity, reliability, and item difficulty.
6.1  Validity
This is students’ score in validity computation. For example let’s take item number 1
            rxy                 : the correlation of the scores on the two halves of the test
            N         : 38 (the total of the subject of experiment)
            Σ X       : 26 (the sum of X score item)
            Σ Y      : 311 (the sum of Y score item)
                 r   =
                             = 0.813
                  If Rxy > Rtable is valid. The result Rtable was 0.32 and Rxy was 0.813. RXY(0.813) > Rtable(0.32). Item no 1 was valid. The computation of validity can be seen in appendix. The writer used Microsoft excels in order to help him in scoring validity.
6.2  Reliability
                  The result of reliability computation was shown in appendix. It’s also using Microsoft excels in order to help the writer in scoring reliability.
r11          : reliability of total test
n          : 38 (the number of items)
  : 2.271 (sum of variant items)
            : 5.677 (variant total)
      r =  
                      = 0.667
                  The computation of r table = 0,497. Since r11 > r table, so the test was reliable.

6.3  Item Difficulty
      The writer used P = for finding item difficulty.
      Where: An item with P 0         --------- 0, 30 = was difficult
                                    An item with P 0, 31    --------- 0, 70 = was medium
                                    An item with P 0, 71    --------- 1, 0   = was easy
      For example let’s take item no. 1
      P          : the facility value (index of difficulty)
            B         : 12 (the number of students who answer correctly)
            JS        : 38 (the total number of the students)
            P =
                = 0.316
After getting the P value, we could say that item number 1 was medium. It was because the P value = 0, 316 belonged to the interval 0.31 – 0.70 whose criteria were medium. The whole computation result of difficulty index for each item could be seen in Appendix. There were number 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 considered as medium item, and item number 2, 6, 9 and 10 considered as easy item.
7.      Research Findings
The research object was fifth year students of SD Negeri 1 Sidomulyo in the academic year 2011/2012. Total of the fifth year students is 38 students.
7.1  Pre-test
The pre-test was conducted by the writer. Both of groups were given the same test and they did the test individually to answer the pre-test in 30 minutes. The result of this pre test score was very less. It can be seen in appendix.
7.2  The Experimental Treatment
After conducting the pre-test, the writer conducted the experimental treatment. The writer taught experiment group by using pictures as an alternative way of teaching writing. On the other hand, the control group was taught by their own English teacher without using pictures. The material was part of body. The Experimental Treatment below:
 Experiment Group
Control Group
1.      Topic = Part of Body
2.      Teacher put the pictures of the material in front of the students
3.      Teacher asked students to pay attention to the picture, the words, and the meaning of the object. The students tried to write vocabulary
4.      Teacher read the words a loud and asked student to repeat after him
1.      Topic = Part of Body
2.      The teacher wrote the words to be taught on the blackboard
3.      The students pronounced the word correctly after the teacher. The students tried to write vocabulary

4.      The teacher gave the meaning of the words to the students

7.3  The Post-test
After the experiment was conducted, the writer conducted the post-test. The writer conducted the test at the same time. The writer and the teacher administered the experiment and control group together. The students did the test individually in 30 minutes. The result of post-test score had increased. It’s higher than pre-test score.

8.      Data Analysis
            In this chapter, the writer would like to determine the different effectiveness of treatment given both of two groups, experiment and control. It could be seen through the differences of the two means. The mean of each group could be calculated by using the following formula:
Mc =
Me =
Mc       : The mean score of the control group
Me       : The mean score of the experimental group
: The sum of all scores of the experimental group
: The sum of all scores of the control group
N         : The number of sample
Mc       =
            = 68.95 (The mean score of control group)
Me       =
            = 91.58 (The mean score of experimental group)
            The computation between two means of the experimental group and control group has a slight difference in mean score. The result showed that the experimental group out of performed the control group. The difference between two means was 22.63. However, just finding the difference between two means is not enough to conclude that the experimental group is better than control group. To determine whether the difference is statistically significant, an appropriate statistical analysis has to be applied. The following was the computation of t-test. First of all we had to find the s value (deviation standard). The writer used Microsoft Excel to get the result of this formula.
                        s =
                          = 11.8223
After getting the s value, the computation of t-test was as follow:
            t =
            = 5.90032
T-table was 1.702 < T-formula (5.90032).
            The difference between T-formula and T-table was significant. It could be said that the experimental group had a better result than control group.

9.      Conclusion
Elementary School is a formal education with any skills that the students are ready to be continued to Junior High School after graduate. The topics they study suit with their majors in elementary level.  In this case, we must be a wise to create an appropriate tests for the students of Elementary School. So the picture-cued tasks will be an appropriate technique in assessing writing.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penilitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineke Cipta
Brown, H. Douglas. 2004. Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. New
York: Person Education Inc
Madson, Harold. S. 1983. Techniques in Testing. New York: Oxford University Press
Mardalis. 2007. Metode Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Proposal. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara

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