Book Review : An introduction to SFL by Suzanne Egging (2nd edition) 2004

It’s been a long time since I wrote my idea on my lovely blog. That’s one of the many reasons I don’t have enough time to write. Can you guess? Yeah, I’m not single anymore, I’m married, and I’ve had a son. I need to allocate all my time to work hard, from morning until night, and I must still take care of my baby and share what I’ve got with my wife to improve my relationship. Luckily, I get my parents-in-law to help. I have two free days on the weekend, Saturday and Monday, but I don’t think I have my holiday. I do additional classes and must wash my clothes and keep my house clean and tidy. I can write in my spare time in school, exactly when my students are having a mid-test. Yeah, I have so much time to write. Knowledge or science isn’t immortal since we will surely die or get older and will have senility. Knowledge, science, and all the information will be lost in my old brain. Just think about it: our knowledge should be shared to make someone know, so our knowledge will be immortal, and we will get our prize from God. In

Okay, guys, thanks for reading hehe. 

How can systemic techniques be applied in the analysis of text?

1. Text
Text is spoken/written language.
Text = written language
Discourse = Spoken Language
SFL = meaning above lexico-grammar (meaning across text)

2. Genre
Genre is the context of culture in text, such as;
a. Social = Literature, fiction, nonfiction, educational
b. daily life = buying, selling, seeking supplies, opinion, making an appointment

3. Register
The register is the context of the situation in the text, such as;
a. Field = what language is used (children, teenagers, or adults)
b. Mode = Role of language (written to be read, interactive)
C. Tenor = Relationship (General audience, trainee, friends)

4. Semantics
a. Textual
b. Ideational
c. Interpersonal

5. Lexico grammar
a. All aspects
b. labeling, clause complex, punctuation, morpheme, spacing

6. Semiotics

7. Mood = interpersonal meaning
a. Mood = Subject, Finite
b. Residue = Predicator, Complement, Adjunct

8. Transivity is meaning about the world, experience, and perceive
Such as material, mental, verbal, behavioral, and existential. relational, circumstance
- material; Diana gave some blood
- mental; Diana thought she should give blood
- verbal; Diana said that giving blood is easy
- behavioral; Diana dreams of giving blood

9. Clause complex (logical meaning)
ideational = logical + experimental

10. Textual meaning

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