Narrative Text & its structure (Realizing about Mistake)

Realizing about Mistake

Once upon time there was a little boy, his name is John. He was thirteen years old. He lived in a small city. He was not a very good and arrogant student. In his school, He always would refuse to share with his playmate that didn't have nice clothes to wear. He also didn't like to do his homework, because he preferred to do other things in his free time. Frequently he didn't do his homework, and when he did it, he always made mistakes.
John was in this habit every day. He became unpopular and one by one all his friends deserted him. John would feel very lonely and had lost all his friends, he had not one to play with.
 Now, John did the whole day long he would study. He always finished his homework, did well in the test and was made head boy. It’s unfortunately, he became more conceited than ever, and thought that no one quite like him.
 One day, John had to leave the place. He moved to a far bigger town. His mother thought that he could proper to get a better education.
In the new city was very different. There were tall building, huge markets with dazzling light and crowd of cars running day and night. John couldn't enjoy in this city. He didn't know any one in there. In his new school, John also did not do well in any of tests. His repeated failure shattered his pride. No one would help him.
One morning, when John sitting alone, his eyes fell on a face he knew well. It was his old playmate. Then they talked about their past time. John was very happy. By the time, John realized that all this time he did many mistake. He also realized that friendship is really important in this life and there was nothing great about him.

Realizing About Mistake
Once upon time there was a little boy, his name is John. He was thirteen years old. He lived in a small city. He was not a very good and arrogant student. In his school, He always would refuse to share with his playmate that didn’t have nice clothes to wear. He also didn’t like to do his homework, because he preferred to do other things in his free time. Frequently he didn’t do his homework, and when he did it, he always made mistakes.

John was in this habit every day. He became unpopular and one by one all his friends deserted him. John would feel very lonely and had lost all his friends, he had not one to play with.

Now, John did the whole day long he would study. He always finished his homework, did well in the test and was made head boy. It’s unfortunately, he became more conceited than ever, and thought that no one quite like him.

One day, John had to leave the place. In the new city was very different. There were tall building, huge markets with dazzling light and crowd of cars running day and night. John couldn’t enjoy in this city. He didn’t know any one in there. In his new school, John also did not do well in any of tests. His repeated failure shattered his pride. No one would help him.

One morning, when John sitting alone, his eyes fell on a face he knew well. It was his old playmate. Then they talked about their past time. John was very happy. By the time, John realized that all this time he did many mistake. He also realized that friendship is really important in this life and there was nothing great about him.

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