ENGLISH GRAMMAR FINAL TEST for 2nd Semester Scholars English department

JULY 10, 2009

2nd Semester Scholars of Group A, B, C, D, and E
Directions :     1. You are not allowed to open any dictionary, books, or notebooks
                        2 .You are not allowed to correct the answer you’ve written down.
                        3. You may use pencil.

I.       a. Write the correct simple present tense or present continuous tense of the verb in parentheses in each sentence

     b. Change it into YES/NO question.

1. TRANS TV crew ( have ) some TV experts now.
2. Some pure water ( be ) important when you are thirsty and tired.
3. His pair of trousers ( need ) to be mended at this moment.
4. A school of fish ( swim ) when I see them in a big aquarium.
5. My mother, together with her children, ( take ) morning exercises every  morning.
6. Look ! A number of scholar ( cheat ).
7. Mr. Christ ( leave ) for Jakarta next January.
8. Everybody ( not allow ) to use dictionary, books, or notebooks during this test.
9. The number of group A scholars who are having Intensive Course E ( be ) 50.
10. The picture of the Indonesian soldiers ( not bring ) back nice memories.

II.           a. Write the correct simple present tense or present continuous of the verb in           parentheses in each sentence.

b. Make question about subject.

1.      Your hair ( need ) cutting.
2.      The use of credit cards in place of cash ( increase ) every year.
3.      Neither of us never ( steal ) our mother’s money.
4.      The level of intoxication ( vary ) from subject to subject.
5.      Several scholars ( do ) Mid Term Test at this moment.
6.      Andrelia, as well as other scholar, still ( think ) of  the Mid Term Test.
7.      Your jeans ( not look ) worn out.
8.      Either you and Retno ( attend ) Mr. Christ’s lecture regularly.
9.      Imagine, There ( be ) few scholar not having Mid Term Test now.
10.  Complete information of English books ( give ) you further knowledge.     

III. a.   Put the parts of a sentence in the correct order.
      b.   Make question about the underlined word or phrase.

1.      arrange – before – my English books  - campus – going – my – I – to – usually
2.      sometimes – Erna – well – very – English – speaks – good – Miss
3.      has – to hurry – morning – Fiko – always – in the morning
4.      Europeans – tourist – are – over – those – probably – there
5.      set – down – our – breaks – often – television
6.      the – new skill – eagerly – every – child’s acquisition – father – of each – watches
7.      cries – the night – Ramon – seldom – during
8.      money – for – always – somebody – little – not – is – useful
9.      correct English – fast – to – practice – scholars – many – need
10.  semester – we – having – with  - Intensive Course E – this – are – Mr. Christ

IV. Find and correct eleven mistakes in the use of the present progressive or      simple present tense. The first mistake is already corrected.

                         I’m sitting

It’s 12.30 and   I sit   in the library right now. My classmates are eating lunch together, but I’m not hungry yet. At home, we eat never this early. Today our journal topic is culture shock. It’s a good topic for me right now because I’m being pretty homesick. I miss my old routine. At home we always are eating a big meal at 2:00 in the afternoon. Then we rest. But here in Toronto I’m having a 3:00 conversation class. Every day, I almost fall asleep in class, and my teacher ask me, “Are you bored?” Of course I’m not bored.I just need my afternoon nap! This class always is fun. This semester, we work on a project with video cameras. My team is filming groups of people in different cultures. We are analyze “social distance” That means how close to each other these people stand. According to my new watch, it’s 12”55, so I leave now for my 1:00 class. Teacher here really aren’t liking when you come late.

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