LANGUAGE SHIFT and MAINTENANCE (ex: tegal and semarang)

Question :
1.    Talking about language shift, we know there are language shift cases in our country. Give your experience about this phenomenon! What is the impact if a language is shifting continuously?

2.    In this globalization era like today there are many foreign languages come over to our country. It is possible from them to shift our own language. For example in some part of Java, there is English which now very popular among people. This actually may threat the existence of vernaculars. But, we can see that there may still communities which can maintain their kind of vernaculars, such as Jogjakarta, Solo, Cirebon, etc. Mention the factors that contribute in maintaining a language and explain briefly each of them!
Answer :
1.    As we know language shift is the replacement of one or more language in community’s repertoire by a language which is socially more powerful. This phenomenon occurs when a community who shares similar mother tongue abandons it, and collectively shifts to speaking another language. It is always preceded by multilingualism. Someone cannot shift to a new language unless he or she learns to speak it. This also happens on me myself. I come from Tegal Javanese. After passing Senior High School past years ago, then I continued my study in another city that is Semarang. Even though, Tegal and Semarang are in one region; Central Java, but they have different code, Tegal use Ngapak Javanese (Tegalan) and Semarang uses smoother Javanese (Semarangan). Because of my reason and the condition around which people are common to use Semarangan, so that I shift my Tegalan to Semarangan. Living in Semarang for more four years makes me common to use Semarangan, even I know some special terms among youth in Semarang. In this sense, I don’t forget my own mother tongue. I will use back my Ngapak when I meet friend who come from Tegal also, or when I come back to homeland.
The impact of a language which shifting gradually is someone, people, or a group of community may lose their identity. This result usually happens in second or third generations where they are common in using the new language. This new language is unconsciously taught by their parents because they have lived in new community for a long time and accustomed to speak in the new one. Their new language is usually associated with prestige, status, and social success. That is why, parents prefer speak and use the new one to theirs.  

2.    When a group moved to another community, almost all their life aspects will change, so do their language. There are two possible, they will lose their identity or not. To keep their identity; language, they have to maintain what they have. Here, there are several factors contribute in maintaining a language:
a.    Larger number of speakers
      In the community where several groups of speakers speaking different languages live, the group with more speakers has better possibility to maintain their language. In other words, fewer speakers have to face more challenge.
b.    Concentration of living
      In immigrant cases, when the groups of immigrant people live together in one place (concentration) the chance to maintain the language is better than if the immigrants live separately from one another (separation/isolation). Surrounded by speakers of a different languages can influence a speech community to shift to the language spoken by those people around it, especially when they speak a language with better economic and political value.
c.    Identity and Pride of culture
      A group of language speakers in a small numbers may succeed in maintaining their language if it is considered to be closely related to the culture. When the language and the culture are related, the speakers often believe that the language is an important cultural identity. With such a faith the speakers carry a certain pride in using the language. This in turn pushes them to maintain it.
d.    Better economic condition
      Immigrant with a good economic condition may believe that their fortune is also due to the language they use. Some reports said that if people learning English they will have better chance so their economic will increase gradually. When this economic promise of English continues to be dependable, it will support the maintenance of the tongue.
            As my experience I told before, I may also lose my Tegalan when I continuously speak in Semarangan, but here I can maintain my identity by always saying to the people that I’m from Tegal proudly without a shaming or regretting with my status of Tegal people. Thus, people will know and always remember me when they meet me at another time, because in their mind they have such kind of ‘label’ of me that is “Tegal”. That kind of what I did is can be one of efforts of maintaining a language.

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