Register in sociolinguistics (javanese case)

1.      The existence of any distinguishable of any styles and registers are really continuously happened especially in certain vernacular language. Share your agreement or your disagreement and explore any reasons relate to this notion based on your own vernacular language (e.g. Javanese, Sundanese Malay, or other vernacular languages).
According to my opinion, I do agree that there are many distinguisabilities of any styles and registers in any vernacular languages. Furthermore, there are many reasons relate to this notion such as follows:
a.       Speaker and addressee as the domain of language and conversation causes any complex distinguishabilities of chosen styles and registers; code, variety, dialect, etc.
b.      The norm as attention or care in cultural point of view relates to the language also influence in choosing possibility style whether it is formal or non formal (audience design). (Bernard Spolsky 1998: 33).
c.       Other domain like setting and context also gave influence in distinguishabilities in styles and registers of languages.
d.      Other reasons dealing with community especially people’s interaction like social strata, social status, wealth, the rate of education, honorific, age, gender, etc.

As the example in Javanese language, the classification of strata of language is definitely complex because there is a real classification on Javanese people in term (speech level /Unda usuk/ unggah ungguhing basa) is divided into some classes; ngoko lugu, ngoko andhap, krama lugu, krama alus, krama inggil. This stratification is caused by any reasons like social strata in community. The utterance speaking by teacher must be different with the students. The utterance speaking by servant must be different with the boss. Other community terms also give influence like age in Javenese. The older people have to use higher strata of speech level than the younger ones. For term gender in Javanese also inflence in choosing style, language reflect and record like woman usually more sensitive, more polite, and more “speech less” than man.

2.      Give your opinion about this statement “ The styles and registers of certain language would be lost when the language are consistenly shifted and lost”. Attach the example if you have the example of the real phenomena.
According to my opinion, when the language is consistenly and continously shifted and lost, automatically the style and register of the language would be lost because whether style and register are belong to elements of language like syntax, morphology, dialect, phonology, vocabulary and semantic. These elements are supporting on shifting styles and registers. For supporting the notion as balance with the examples:
The english is shifted from English shakespeare until english modern (Abdul Chaer and Leonie Agustina 2010:135):
-          Know ye this man?
(Do you know this man?)
-          Why sings he so loud?
(Why does he sing so loud?)

-          Whan that Aprille with his shoures soate
(When April with its sweet showers)

-          The drought of March hath parced to teh roo
(The drought of March has pierced to the root)

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