Approaching to discourse using the ethnography of communication

Approaching to discourse using the ethnography of communication

If u see/analyze discourse a structure, you will divide the structure ……..
Language as a structure (structuralism)             its components (functionalism)
We see language not a s structure, but the function. Language is process not a product
Background of this approach;
linguistics believes that language is means of communication
Anthropology ; language as a cultural behavior / knowledge
(Hymes); they we communicate is influenced by culture. Based on his formulation, we have to understand culture of the society we study. We do not only focus in language use, but also how to communicate with different society, etc. Culture is represented by how people think,
Basic competence
-          Speech community
Ex: the use English language in our class. The criteria; the rules are obeyed,
-          Communicative competence
Deals with the ability to communicate, knowledge, possibility, appropriateness, feasibility, and performed. Not only dealing with this, but also performance.
Communicative competence; linguistic (form), sociolinguistic (use/function), and discourse competence.
-          Patterns of communication; cultural knowledge and behavior
-          S          : Setting / Scene (physical circumstances, subjective definition of an occasion) ;
P          : Participants (speakers/senders/addressor hearers/receivers/audience/addressee)
E          : Ends (purposes and goals/ outcomes)
A         : Acts of sequence (message from a content)
K         : Keys (tone, manner)
I           : Instrumentalities (channel like verbal, nonverbal, physical and forms of speech drawn from community repertoire)
N         : Norms of interaction and interpretation (specific properties attached to speaking interpretation of norms within cultural belief system)
G         : Genre (textual categories)
We are discovering communicative units of SPEAKING components (abbreviations) above. W can apply this for our study being this approach

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