What is Hypothesis?

                is a suggested answer to the problem.
                an idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet been proved.
  1. It should conjecture upon a relationship between two or more variables
  2. It should be stated clearly and unambiguously in the form of a declarative sentence
  3. It should be testable; it can be evaluated based on data

-          I.Q and achievement are positively related
-          Directive teachers are more effective than nondirective teachers
-          The dropout rate is higher for black students than for white students
Observations VS specific and general Hypothesis
-          Observations: the action / process of closely observing or monitoring
-          Specific Hypothesis: take one look around the population or sample even though the researchers have no data
-          General Hypothesis: Represents a generalization and must be tested by making observations, as was the specific hypothesis
          Observation: researcher may go into school, look around that the most students are black, infer that the school is located in a poor neighborhood.
          Specific H: Though the researchers do not know that the neighborhood is poor, they expect that they majority of people living there are poor
          General H: make or take a sample of neighborhood & reach conclusions on a probability basis, that is the likelihood of hypothesis being true
Where do Hypotheses come from?
                Absolutely, hypotheses come from the problems that the researchers state from
Ex: problems ‘are A and B related?’
Three possible hypotheses
  1. Yes, as A increase so does B
  2. Yes, as A increase B decrease
  3. No, A and B are unrelated
The researcher has two logical process to draw upon in developing a hypothesis
          These process called deduction and induction
          Deduction ; a process that goes from the general to the specific (begins with theories and general hypotheses and proceed towards specific hypotheses / anticipated observations)
          Induction; a process that goes from the specific to the general (begins with data and observations (empirical events) and proceeds toward hypotheses and theories

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